Lair Walkthrough - Crossing at Dawn {SixAxis Motion Control}

2016-04-08 1

This is my SixAxis Motion Control walkthrough to Lair. This is the Crossing At Dawn part of the game. It's takes a little time getting used to the controls but once you do the game is so terrific. Please thumbs up/like. Enjoy!

1) Rescue the Guardians. Follow the MOI arrow as you take off flying and drop off the guardians.
2) Kill the dragons strafing the bridge. Start locking on and roasting the dragons that are attacking your troops in red. It can be a pain with the motion control sometimes.
3) Kill enemy troops on the bridge. There will be cutscene soon after.
4) Kill the enemy dragons.
5) Kill the Tauros on the bridge.
6) Kill the Rhinos. These guys are immune to your flames as well, so you want to lock on and shake them to death with your claws.